showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Robby The Robot Catcher Sublogic? labelminimizeminimize
Memory Builder: Concentration Program Design1980 labelminimizeminimize
Bumble Games The Learning Company1982 labelminimizeminimize
Children's Carrousel Dynacomp1982 labelimageminimize
Sammy the Sea Serpent  PDI Program Design1982 labelimageminimize
Shamus Synapse Software;Americana Software (Synapse Software)1982You've finally made it. Your nerves and your guts tell you he's here... and the smell. The sickeningly sweet odor of decomposing fruit; the SHADOW's trademark. Now all that's left... to find and destroy him before he returns the compliment.

You didn't know it was going to be this hard. After all, it is the 21st century and your ION-SHIVS are probably the most dangerous weapons in this part of the galaxy. They can drop a fully screened sniffer-droid at 300 meters!

Out of the corner of your eye, a small black shape darts up to the door and noiselessly enters the building across the rocket pad. The memory of your last encounter with the Shadow jolts you, like a neuro-stunner set on max. Images of ROBO-DROIDS, that just don't know when to quit... dark, sneaky WHIRLING DRONES from a timeslip star system... and the lightning quick SNAP-JUMPERS, that fry you for looking at them cross-eyed, flicker through your mind. Still you've handled them before... The big boy himself, SHADOW, is the one you're after!

As you silently enter the door coordinates into your teleporter, the scanner indicates that there are four colored levels of 32 rooms each, and every room is bristling with danger. You know it won't be a high school prom when you transport into the Shadow's lair but there is no turning back. So with a grim chuckle, you reach for the bottle of Nervo-Stim and energize the transporter. You're ready as the Stim slides down warmly and your biosensors click into high gear!

Tell the Shadow that SHAMUS is here!***
[48]***Available on 16k cartridge, 16k disk, and 16k cassette. 1 player, but a second player-cartographer is reccomended. Will not run on XL/XE machines without a translator.
William Mataga created a Berserk clone, Ihor Wolosenko said 'I just don't think it's kosher' to publish a clone and also didn't want to be sued. So Ihor, William (Cathryn) salvaged the code and came up with Shamus.
[Zerothis]***William and Cathryn Mataga are actually one and the same! At some point William became Cathryn.
McDonald's  Parker Brothers1983This game, typical of games designed by females when given creative license, features totally original gameplay that cannot be easily classified. Alien Invaders have come to earth and discovered McDonald' food. As long as the Ronald McDonald feeds them, they won't invade. The trick is figuring out the individual tastes of each alien. Some prefer fries, some Big Macs, some soda pop, some cheese burgers, some milkshakes etc. But that's not all. If you don't feed them in time, they start eating McDonald's golden arches. Wait, their more. In between feeding the aliens you can make repairs to the golden arches. This version features an additional gameplay element over the 2600 version; if a section of the golden arches becomes totally detached, an alien will try and levitate it away; Ronald will have only seconds to find the telekinetic alien to feed or he will lose the whole section and the game.
Jenny of the Prairie Rhiannon Software1984 labelimageminimize
Plundered Hearts Infocom1987 labelimageminimize